Thursday, October 15, 2009



The Rajive Gandhi College of Management Studides Library include a good number of books in all management subjects. The prime aim of the library to provide User satisatisfactory Services and also to Support Teaching activities in the college.

  1. An Introduction To Statistical Methods---By Gupta, C B & Gupta, Vijay
  2. Accounting for Mangement Text and Cases---By Bhattacharya & Deardon
  3. Advertising management---By Batra Rajeev
  4. Analysis and Design of Information System---By Senn, James
  5. Business statistics---By Gupta, S. C
  6. Business Law For Management---By Bulchandani
  7. Business Statistics---By Beri
  8. Business Statistics---By Sharma, J. K
  9. Business Statistics---By Bhardwaj, R. S
  10. .Business Optimisation Through Supply Chain Management---By Sharma Anand
  11. Business Ethics---By Murthy
  12. Business legislations---By Kumar, Niraj
  13. Basic Marketing---By Perrault & Mccarthy
  14. Brand Management---By Gupta
  15. Business application of Computers---By Oka Milind
  16. Business Law ---By Kapoor, N D
  17. Business Process Re-Engineering---By Bhat
  18. Blink (9.99 Pond)---By Gladwells, Malcohn
  19. Company Law 11th Ed---By Majumdar, A K & Kapoor, G K
  20. Company Law---By Avatar Singh
  21. Cost Accounting For Managerial Emphasis---By Horngreen
  22. Collins Dictionary of Business---By Christoper Pass
  23. Compensation Management---By Bhatia
  24. Company Law 11th Ed ---By Majumdar, A K & Kapoor, G K
  25. Company Law---By Avatar, Singh
  26. Cases and Problems on Quantitative Techniques---By Jhamb, L. C
  27. Communication Skills For Effective Management---By Ghanekar
  28. Communication Skills---By Rao
  29. Communication Skills---By Sen
  30. Commentary on Consumer Behaviour---By Chunawala
  31. Consumer bahaviour---By Schiffman & Kanuk
  32. Consumer relationship Management---By Kulkarni , M. V
  33. Dhirubhaism---By Krishnamurthy, A G
  34. Dynamics of Industrial Relation ---By Mamoria
  35. Developing Communication Skills---By Mohan
  36. Emotional Intellegence ( $7.99)---By Goleman
  37. Essential of Management---By Koontz, Herold
  38. Elements of Informarmation Technology---By Oka Milind
  39. Essence of Drucker---By Drucker, Peter
  40. Essentials of H R M & Industrial Relations ---By Subba Rao
  41. Entrepreneurship---By Hisrich, Robert
  42. Essentials of Marketing Research---By Aaker David A Kumar V
  43. E-Business: Roadmap For Success---By Kalakota, Ravi & Robonson, Marcia
  44. Economic Environment of Business---By Mishtra and Puri
  45. Effective Human Resource Training and Development Strategy ---By Rattan Reddy
  46. Entrepreneurship Development and Project Management---By Sarwate
  47. Ethics In Management---By Sherlekar
  48. Ethics, Indian Ethos and Management---By Balachandran
  49. Economics---By Samuelson, Paul & Nordhous William
  50. Elements of Corporate Law---By Maheshwari
  51. Enterprice Application---By Murthy
  52. Financial accounting---By Sontakke, K
  53. Financial Derivatives and Risk Management---By O. P. Agrawal
  54. Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective---By Narayanaswamy R
  55. Financial Management: Theory and Practice---By Chandra Prasanna
  56. Financial Management---By Khan. M .Y & Jain, P, K.
  57. Financial Management---By Pandey, I .M.
  58. Fundamentals of Financial Management---By Sharan
  59. Financial Accounting: Reporting and Analysis---By Stice Earl K Stice James D
  60. Financial Management---By Brigham
  61. Fish---By Lundin, Stepehn
  62. Good To Great---By Collins, Jim
  63. Human factors in organizational management---By Kaila, H. L
  64. Human Resource Management---By Bhattacharya D K
  65. Human Resource Management---By Dessler Gary
  66. Human Resource Management: Text and Cases---By Rao V S P
  67. Human factors in organizations new paradigms---By Kaila, H. L
  68. HRD skills for organizational excellence---By Pai, Satish
  69. Heart at work---By Canfield, Jack
  70. Human resource and managerial perspective for the new millennium---By Pai, Satish
  71. Heart over matter---By Kapoor, Virendra
  72. How to prepare and implement organizational manual---By Tripathy, J. D
  73. International Business---By O. P. Agrawal
  74. International Business Management---By Pherwani, Gautam
  75. International Business :Text and Cases---By Subba, Rao
  76. India Unbound---By Gurucharan das
  77. Intenational Marketing Management : Indian Perspective---By Varshney, R L
  78. Industrial Relations---By Venkatratnam
  79. I'm OK You're Ok---By Harris, Thomas
  80. Introduction to Computer --- By Norton Peter
  81. .India: 2020 a vision for the new millennium---By APJ Abdul Kalam
  82. Indian Economy---By Agarwal
  83. International Finance---By Avadhani
  84. Indirect Taxes :Law and Practice---By Datey, V. S
  85. Information Systems Today :why is Matters---By Jessup & Valacich
  86. Ignited Minds---By Abdul Kalam
  87. International Marketing 10th ed---By Cherunilam, Frrancis
  88. Introduction To Computer---By Leon, Alex & Leon, Mathews
  89. Imagining India: Ideas For The New Century---By Nilekani, Nandan
  90. Integrated Marketing Communication---By Niraj Kumar
  91. Introduction To Information Technology ---By Rajaraman
  92. Leadership Wisdom---By Robin Sharma
  93. Leaders at all Levels---By Ram Charn
  94. Let us C---By Kanetkar
  95. Managerial Economics---By Bhivpathaki, D.
  96. Managerial economics---By Mithani
  97. Managerial Economics :Concept & Cases---By Mote & Paul & Gupta
  98. Managerial Economics---By Petersen
  99. Microeconomic Theory---By Dwivedi D N
  100. Microeconomics for management studies---By Dholakia, Ravindra
  101. Macroeconomics : Theory and Policies---By Dwivedi D N
  102. Marketing of Financial Services---By Avadhani
  103. Management: A Competency-Based Approach---By Hellriegel Don & Jackson Susan E
  104. Managing For The Future---By Peter Drucker
  105. Modern Management---By Certo,
  106. Management---By Stoner & Freeman
  107. Managerial Accounting ---By Jawaharlal
  108. Management: Text and Cases---By Rao, V.S.P & Hari Krishna
  109. Management Information Systems: Conceptual Foundations, Structure,and 109.Development---By Davis Gordon B & Olson Margrethe H
  110. Management Information System---By Jawadekar
  111. Management Information System---By Lauden
  112. Management Information System:Text & applications---By C S V Murthy
  113. Management Information Systems---By O'brien James A & Marakas George M
  114. Marketing Research: With A Changing Information Environment---By Hair Joseph F & Bush Robert P
  115. Marketing Management---By Saxena, Rajan
  116. Marketing Research---By Luck & Rubin
  117. Marketing Research---By Rajendra Nargundkar
  118. Market Research ---By Sontakki
  119. Marketing Management---By Bose
  120. Marketing Management and Research---By Gupta P. K
  121. Marketing Management ---By Karunakaran
  122. Marketing Management---By Kotler, Philip & Keller
  123. Modern Production/ operations Management---By Buffa, E S
  124. Material Management---By Bhat
  125. Management Information system---By Prasad L M
  126. Market Research---By Malhotra Naresh
  127. Manufacturing and operations Management---By Jhamb, L. C
  128. Materials and Logistics Management---By Jhamb, L. C
  129. Mathematics and Statistics For Management ---By Mittal
  130. Monastery, Sanctuary, Laboratory: 50 Years of Iit- Bombay---By Manchanda, Rohit
  131. Marketing Management Planning, Implementation & Control: Global Perspective Indian Context---By Ramaswamy V S & Namakumari S
  132. Marketing of Non-Profit Organisation---By S.M.Jha
  133. Managing Human Resources---By Gomex
  134. Managing Human Resources---By Snell / Bohlander
  135. Management: Value oriented holistic approach---By Sherlekar
  136. Marketing Reserach---By Kulkarni , M. V
  137. Organisational Behaviour---By Ghanekar
  138. Organizational behaviour: A new look concept, theory ad cases---By Kumar, Niraj
  139. Operation Research---By Taha
  140. Options, Futures and Other Derivatives---By Hull
  141. Operations Management---By Gaither, Norman
  142. Operation Research---By Kapoor, V K
  143. Organisational Behaviour---By Aswathappa
  144. Organisation Theories and Structure and Design---By Bhattacharya,& Dipak Kumar
  145. Organizational Behavior---By Luthans Fred
  146. Organizational Behavior---By Prasad, I M
  147. Organizational Behavior---By Robbins Stephen P
  148. Personnel / Human Resource Management---By Decenzo & Robbins
  149. Personal Management---By Mamoria
  150. Principles of Operations Research with applications on Managerial Decisions---By Wagher, Harvey
  151. Production & Operation Management ---By Chary S N
  152. Practical Problems In Costing : Text book for cast and Works Accountants---By Purandare, Milind
  153. Product Management---By Chunawala
  154. Production Planning and Control---By Jhamb, L. C
  155. Performance Management System---By Sharma
  156. Project management---By Sontakki, V. C
  157. Principles of management---By Ramasamy, T
  158. Production and Operation Management---By Muhlemans
  159. Production and Operation Management---By Patel, Chunawala
  160. Production and Operation Management---By Aswathappa
  161. Production and Operation Management---By Bedi, Kanishka
  162. Psycholgy---By Baron, Robert
  163. Quantitative Techniques in Management and economics---By Chakravarty, Palak
  164. Quantitatives Methods and Operations research---By Bhat, K & Sridhara
  165. Quantitative Techniques in Management---By Vohra, N D
  166. Quantitative Techniques For Decision Making---By Gupta M P & Khanna R B
  167. Quantitatives Techques For Decision Making---By Anand Sharma
  168. Quantitative Techniques For Managerial Decision---By Sharma, J .K
  169. Research Methodology: methods & techniques---By Kothari C R
  170. Rural Marketing ---By Krishnamoorthy
  171. Rural Marketing ---By Rehman
  172. Re-engineering organizational productivity: Challenges ahead---By Pai, Satish
  173. Retail Marketing Management---By Kulkarni , M. V
  174. Retailing Management - Text & Cases---By Swapna Pradhan
  175. Retail Management---By Barry, Bermans
  176. Retail Management---By Gibson, Vedamanai
  177. Supply Chain Management---By Bhivpathaki, D. P
  178. Supply chain management: Strategy, planning and operation---By Chopra, Sunil
  179. Supply Chain Management---By Sahay, B. S
  180. Strategic Market Management---By Aaker David A & Kumar V
  181. Strategy and business Landscape---By Ghemawat, Pankaj
  182. Services Marketing---By Zeithmal
  183. Statistics For Management---By Levin Richard I & Rubin David S
  184. Statistical and Quantitative Methods---By Dhaygude
  185. Strategic Management---By Jeyaratham
  186. Structured Systems Analysis and Software Engineering---By Johri
  187. Srategic Management and Marketing---By Narendra Singh
  188. Students Guide To Accounting Standard---By Rawat, D S
  189. Statistics a First Course---By Sander, D H
  190. Students' Guide To Income Tax ---By Singhania Vinod K
  191. Sales power: The silva mind method for sales professionals---By Silva, Jose
  192. Services marketing: Concept practice and cases---By Shajahan, S
  193. Sales and Distribution Management---By Chunawala
  194. Security Analysis and Portfolio Managent ---By Avadhani
  195. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management---By Fisher Donald
  196. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People ($ 8.25)---By Covey Stephen
  197. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success---By Chopra, Deepak
  198. The Art of Living : Vipassana Meditation by Goenka---By Hart, William
  199. The One Minute Manager: Free Up Your Time---By Blanchard
  200. Text Book of Research Methodology in Social Science---By Tripathy, P C
  201. The complete idiat's guide to winning through negotiation---By Ilich, Jain
  202. The silva mind control method of mental dynamics---By Silva, Jose
  203. The silva mind control method for business manager---By Silva, Jose
  204. The silva mind control method---By Silva, Jose
  205. The silva method think and grow fit---By Silva, Jose
  206. Thesarus---By Oxford
  207. Theory and Problem In Production and Operation Management---By Chary S N
  208. Understanding Organization Behaviour---By Pareek, Udai
  209. Working it out at work---By Hay, Julie
  210. White Tiger---By Adiga, Arvind
  211. Wings of Fire : An Autobiography---By Abdul Kalam
  212. World Class Manufacturing ---By Bhat
  213. Webster's Universal : Thesarus---By Webster
  214. Webster's Universal :English Dictionary---By Webster
  215. Webster's Universal : Spelling , Grammar & Usage---By Webster